Commercial Concrete Lift and Seal
We encounter business owners who have significant concrete settling inside and outside of their businesses but a day without use of their concrete surfaces would be detrimental to their success. Loss of production, downtime while moving items and equipment in and out of a business, and extra labor are just a few costs associated with removal and replacement. Being small business owners in the area for over 15 years, we knew there had to be a better solution than new concrete. Jerome operated a Physical Therapy business in Loveland and had a sidewalk that his clients used to access the front of the building. Over the years it sank and sloped about 3" toward the landscaping. The nature of his business required a quick permanent fix without shutting his doors.
The solution is simple. With the use of our jacks and demo saw, we were able to raise the concrete walkway and stabilize the concrete slabs with PolyLevel. No downtime, no closing for the day just a safe leveled walkway for his clients. Since the holes we drilled were only about 3/8" wide we are able to leave little evidence we were ever there (except for the freshly sealed joints and cracks).
Project Summary
Production Foreman: Alex Rodriguez
Commercial Sales Rep: Robert Rumfelt